How to Be A Blessing To Others

As I go about my day or week, I try to think about how to be a blessing to others. Sometimes we think it will take lots of time or money. But really, it is easy to bless others along your way. We hope to help you either use our ideas/tips or think of a few of your own. We all use the excuse of lack of money or time to do something for others. But really, there is hardly ever a good excuse not to do something for someone at least once during the month. If I tell the truth, we all gain by blessing others in one way or another.



Benefits of Showing Hospitality


Showing hospitality is not just for the ones that you will be serving, but it is for you and your family also. As you make your home ready for company, the family learns to work together, take on responsibilities, they learn to plan, and show love one to another. Bring your children into the preparations for getting ready for your company. If you are showing hospitality by taking baked goods or a meal (more on this topic here in a bit), let your children help in the planning, shopping, and then making the food. During this time, it will help build strong relationships in the family. It keeps us all from becoming selfish and only focused on ourselves. It helps us remember what is profoundly important about relationships with family and friends. Be an example to your children and the ones around you. These days children are not seeing enough examples of serving others. This is especially important to God and His Word.


Do not fall into thinking that you must do something big to really bless someone. Often the small gestures that people have made for me, or our family have meant the most. At this point in our lives, my husband and I have plenty of time to serve or show hospitality and I will admit, our budget has a little more room in it than back in the past but I honestly enjoy the small things better than the “grand” things that I could do.  I just want others to feel loved and that they are important to us.



 10 FRUGAL WAYS TO BE A BLESSING or Show Hospitality


  1. Write a note of encouragement or send your love to someone through words. Who does not enjoy knowing that someone is thinking of them during the day? Receiving a note that lets them know that someone is thinking of them. Using pretty note cards or stationery is just a little touch that could mean so much. But do not let that stop you from writing a note. Just what you have and let your words be the blessing.
  2. Bake something homemade and package it in a new serving piece from the dollar store. It does not have to be expensive or over-the-top, just a little something for the person to hold on to and remember they are loved. Remember also that the baked goods also do not need to either, just make something homemade and they will know you put your love into this gift. And if you do not enjoy baking there is nothing wrong with picking up something from a bakery and giving that instead. 
  3. Offer parents’ night out for a family you know. My husband and I used to do this once a month with the children from our church. We had three daughters at home and would be home anyway, so we would invite our small church family to drop their children off on a Friday evening for supper and game night. We loved those nights back then and remember them often as we look back.
  4. Give someone you know a hug the next time you see them or even smile at others as you are walking or grocery shopping. You never know who just needs to see a smile at that point of their day.
  5. Send an encouraging text message. Phone calls are better for checking on someone or wanting to encourage them but if they are at work, just send a quick text and let them know someone is thinking of them and praying for them.
  6. Share a word of encouragement. I was talking before about sending notes to others, even your husband’s lunch box or Bible. Just leave notes where others will find them.
  7. Ask someone if you could pray for them & write down what they need prayer for and PRAY!
  8. Listen while others are talking around you & listen for reasons to drop a meal off at their home. You never know when someone is caring for a sick family member or if a new mom is not getting very much sleep. A frozen meal is wonderful to have on hand for these times of need.
  9. Next time you are grocery shopping, pick fresh flowers & drop them off with a friend.
  10. Invite a young mom over for a cup of coffee or tea. Have a baked good ready also. Just give them the gift of time.



We have other articles here on our site that we think will help you as you search for ways to show hospitality or if you are just learning more about hospitality. Grab your favorite drink and read for a bit. 



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